Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Philip reviews his recent ATL taxi experience...

Wheelchair van taxi ride fun, interesting. Crazy, wait long service; driver takes care too many other customers, closer stops. Serious - very annoying. Pay ugly bizarre driver. Find easy use door, don't like scary rear entry ramp, hard wheelchair tie downs.


Julie Hornick said...

We had fun!!

melorie said...

Umm. I guess it was scary using the back taxi exit since you are used to the side exits in your van and with Henry Transit. You don't usually ride with other passengers besides your parents. This won't be your last ride, either. Maybe, next time, the taxi ride will be much better.

Unknown said...

Philip, Enjoy your Blog. I think it's great you bring attention to things that don't go right, like the not so nice taxi ride. I'm ready to see where the summer takes you. You go more than anyoneI know!

Unknown said...

Philip!!!! I am laughing so hard, I can't stop. I can't believe you said the taxi driver was ugly and bizarre. Hahahaha.