Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Philip the Food Critic

Aunt Melorie pay buy cricket chips from scratch, came to hang out, visit us, these Bug chips, eat, bite, taste, burp, drink. I was not going to have these baked bland, disgusting, thick, flaky, salty, spicy, greasy, chunky, sour, bitter.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Philip reviews his recent ATL taxi experience...

Wheelchair van taxi ride fun, interesting. Crazy, wait long service; driver takes care too many other customers, closer stops. Serious - very annoying. Pay ugly bizarre driver. Find easy use door, don't like scary rear entry ramp, hard wheelchair tie downs.

New living room!

Enjoy the wood floor and furniture chairs because that carpet pets naughty potty stinky broken messed up.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Brainstorm schedule, struggle, try choose attitude

Happened yesterday, hours afternoon 2:00 Philip, Michelle drive for schedule appointment dentist office. Interruption, bizarre experience. Dentist standing, move, wear bizarre color clothing. Philip horrified, disappointed because wonderful girl dentist day off - mystery. I don't want to cancel that, stuck, choose different dentist. Dentist learning. Philip attitude interesting, struggle. Look forward to next appointment, make sure schedule options favorite girl dentist.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Carpet and Wood floor

Hear going to be rent vehicle U-haul truck, because for furniture Uncle Toms house. Dad, Uncle Tom took measure, examine, release, work, transfer couch, chairs to open gate U-haul truck. Ride, went home.

Friday next week, we take those living room furniture, entertainment center, pets cage outside temporary. Inspect carpet, Jack naughty potty, put down new wood floor. Day off job drop off, deliver ugly color, messy, old naughty potty carpet the dump!