Friday, September 21, 2007

Philip and the U.P.S. truck

Last week, Philip wrote the following: "I hear honk. I see CVS." I was trying to figure out what he meant. Then he wrote all these different places around the house including mailbox and driveway...I couldn't figure out how he could hear the honk at CVS and then be at home. And then he said mailtruck. I finally figured out that instead of CVS, he meant UPS- and was talking about the UPS truck...but he didn't have anything on his vehicles page for U.P.S. truck. So I added it. Here is the final product of what he wrote:

"I hear Honk. I think U. P. S. Truck

Outside. I think I think I see U. P. S. Truck."

I was so excited and impressed with his creative problem solving in telling me that he wanted to add a new word to his vehicles page.

Monday, September 10, 2007


Claire: Today when I went to pick up Philip, Miss April came running around the corner with Philip and said, "Walk with me!" I did not know what was happening. She said, "They're going to have a fire drill! We have to get out because Philip hates that noise!" As soon as we were out the door, the buzzer went off and all the kids started coming out. Philip was so happy to have missed being inside when it went off. Here is what he wrote about it:

Philip: I'm happy. back eyes hand fire drill cold less little did not head I hear buzzer I go to the Van Miss. April.