Thursday, June 9, 2016


Philip and I are reading the book "Rascal" by Sterling North. This is a story about a young boy who finds and raises a raccoon named Rascal. As we read, we often stop to discuss what is happening in the story, and we will share these observations here on the blog from time to time.

From Chapter 2:

Raccoon inside tree, out,  try experiment, climb down, fishing.


Julie Hornick said...

Can't wait for more!

melorie said...

Philip, I haven't read that story so I'm going to depend on you and Claire to give me a summary.

melorie said...

Philip, I haven't read that story so I'm going to depend on you and Claire to give me a summary.

Unknown said...

I wonder if his name is Rascal because he gets into trouble. Keep us posted...