Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Ritz!

Late last week sometime we drive, ride Dodge Caravan crew wheelchair vehicle. Arrive went parking space, crosswalk, the Ritz Carlton hotel. Crazy, long ride.

I spit because alcoholic beverage salty disgusting spicy greasy sour.

Dominique meet us restaurant The Atlanta Braves.


Emma Brumm. said...

You had a great time at the Ritz , Philip. What Fun it must have been.

melorie said...

Philip, you looked so handsome in these pictures. I like it when you write about your trips. Do you know where you want to go on your next overnight trip?

melorie said...

Philip, you looked so handsome in these pictures. I like it when you write about your trips. Do you know where you want to go on your next overnight trip?