Tuesday, December 7, 2010

New Physical Therapist

Yesterday I did not work with Philip but when I came to his house today, I found something that he had written while I was gone. He has a new physical therapist named Daniel that came to do a session with him. This is what he wrote:

Daniel come work on me. Work on legs, arms, back, hands, feet. Not funny hold back fall. He laugh yes. Matt, Nicole watch. I laugh drool accident. When will come again

I thought he did such a great job with this!

1 comment:

melorie said...

Philip, I loved your new blog. You are becoming a great writer. You have been writing your blogs for how many years? 2 or 3 yrs? I know that you were writing with claire and now you are starting to write more details by yourself. It wouldn't surprise me in a few more years that I would be reading something that you wrote in a magazine. Keep up your story writing. Your fan and aunt, Melorie