Thursday, September 16, 2010

Aunt Melories Car Problems

Wednesday Melorie car broken figure call scream send text tell Philip. Nicole drive ride van rescue meet Melorie. Tow truck driver ride take get move tow car leave. Melorie get take bumpy pointy furry parts. Matt Melorie find plugged in jumper cables in vehicle. Beep beep! Transportation GPS. Battery zap Matt. Melorie sit seat, light round. Wait train tow truck van traffic.


melorie said...

hey Philip loved you writing about me. You are the greatest. Maybe you and Nicole can take me to get my car when it it fixed. My car has been broken for 1 week today. Remember the pizza man ran out gas at your house and then my car would not start. I wonder who is next to have car trouble at your house.

Claire said...

I hope it's not me who's next!