Monday, December 15, 2008

Vehicle Saga

Today, Philip started telling me a story. This is what he said:

Grandma pay bus transportation. awesome FamilyFamily Mom Do you figure decide wonder borrow pay pay pay pay borrow save borrow vehicle vehicle vehicle vehicle vehicle Gas Ford Taurus Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep it was Broken Broken Round Broken Broken Round weird Rude Deaf spooky spooky calltext hear text Dad FamilyDad I see Loud Hard spooky flat flat openGross Loud CleanCleanCleanCleanspookyflat funny Broken lonely Pickup truck yes dictionary snackscrackers Did youyou know


Anonymous said...

Hi Philip,

I enjoyed your story about your broken vehicle. We depend so much on our cars and trucks that we do not feel complete without them. A broken truck is certainly very lonely.


bettercountry said...

Hi Philip! I'm a friend of Claire's. She told me to come leave you an example of a pun. I posted a picture of one on my photoblog once.

It's a gutter shaped like an alligator, and I called it an alligutter.