Thursday, December 6, 2007

Bathroom Project

Philip has a big renovation project going on at his house: his bathroom is being improved to make it more accessible for his needs. It's very exciting to see all the changes! Here is what he wrote about it:

I feel sick. cold don't like Smell Smell Read Share work Dad. he will Smell Work make Bathroom.


Vicki Clarke said...

Wow! So that's what you were talking about yesterday! You told me "beautiful," "crazy"- I see what you mean!!
Miss Vicki

pennyjean said...

I love the pictures! I can't wait to see pictures of the bathroom all done! I know what it's like, Philip, to have my bathroom all torn apart and then put back together again! Kind of crazy, eh? I'm sure it will be worth it, though!

Anonymous said...

I guess you have a pretty ambitious, and handy Dad, Philip! How neat to have a BRAND new, shiny bathroom for yourself! It's worth it to go through the mess and smell to get to the beautiful new room! What color will it be? sky-blue pink? :-)

Have a super day, Philip!
Claire's Mom

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your renovation pictures and experiences with us. Wow! I can't get over how big it will be. I agree the mess,and smell can be a little too much, but just think when it's all over you will have a wonderful new bathroom just for you